The City of Pico Rivera has various commissions that advise the City Council on issues that affect the community. The membership of these bodies comprises public-spirited residents appointed by the City Council, who give generously of their time to serve the community. All commission, committee, and advisory board meetings are open to the public.
Members of the City Council may not serve concurrently on any Board/Committee/Commission. Commissioners shall not serve on more than one City-appointed board, commission, or committee other than Ad-Hoc or Special Blue Ribbon committees approved for a limited duration.
To be considered an appointment to a City commission, you may download, complete, and submit the Statement of Qualifications to the City Clerk’s Office. You can also obtain an application in person from the Clerk’s office. Applications remain on file for 12 months. Appointments for service are made only when an opening on a commission exists. Applying is not essential to the appointment.
For more information on becoming a commissioner and reviewing the Maddy Act Appointment List, please visit the City Clerk’s page by clicking the link below.